CON.TXT Code of Conduct and Safety Policy

With CON.TXT just two days away, we want to draw people’s attention to our Code of Conduct and our Safety and Accessibility Policies which can be found on our website here.

Code of Conduct:

CON.TXT strives to be a safe, welcoming, and enjoyable space for all attendees. We count on you to help create that space by respecting your fellow con-goers' physical and social boundaries, accessibility needs, and identities.

Before you touch people or their personal effects—including clothing, assistive devices, and service animals—make sure you have been invited to do so, verbally or nonverbally. Respect others' use of shared spaces: moderate your volume, your use of scent, and your physical distance, and always leave a clear path to the exit.

Before taking any photos or videos at CON.TXT, get explicit permission from anyone in those photos or videos. In the interests of promoting a safe space, no audio or video recording is permitted during panels.

Similarly, when speaking or writing publicly about the con, refer to con-goers by badge name only, especially in panel write-ups. During panel discussions, please state your badge name when you begin speaking so that people who cannot see your badge are able to identify who is speaking. Name badges are to be worn in con space at all times. Badge names should not include slurs or threatening language; if you register with an unacceptable badge name, the concom may require you to change it.

Be respectful in your language. If an attendee has specified their pronouns, use them. Do not use slurs or make derogatory remarks based on any aspect of a person's identity. If you have a problem with someone's behavior you are not under any obligation to deal with it yourself, but if you choose to, call out the action rather than the person.

In summary: seek and expect consent in all interactions. If you don't know whether someone wants your presence, conversation, or touch, ask them and respect their answer.

During CON.TXT, if you experience or witness any harassment or behavior or other violations of our Code of Conduct, please email us at or come up to any concom member wearing a purple sash. Similarly, if you have any accessibility needs during the con, please email us or speak to a concom member.

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