Panel Voting is Now Open!

Panel Voting is Now Open!

Panel voting is now open! This is your chance to vote for the panels you'd like to see at virtual CON.TXT 2020! You may vote for as many or as few panels as you like.

We strive to offer a well-balanced and wide range of panel topics. The voting tells us which panels are the most popular, but it also helps us choose among similar panels and decide which suggestions might be better combined. We don't use a strict numbers cut-off to determine our programming.

Your votes are especially important this year, because they'll also help us decide how many panel tracks to have. Since CON.TXT 2020 is a one-day event, we won't be able to fit in all the panel suggestions--but if there are enough popular panels we will run two or more panel tracks in parallel.

Some panels have potential moderators already listed. These are not final commitments! Some panels don't have moderators yet, and these panels can't happen--no matter how popular--unless someone leads them! We'll call for more moderators once the votes have been tallied, but you can also volunteer by selecting "I'll definitely attend and could moderate" and entering your badge name at the bottom of this form if you are interested in moderating. This is also not a final commitment; we'll follow up with interested people by email after the voting.

Please don't volunteer to mod panels you're not excited about! If you volunteer to mod more than three panels, remember to fill out the question at the bottom asking for your top three priorities.

We're looking forward to seeing you all (virtually)! Vote now for your preferred panels.

If you haven’t yet registered for CON.TXT 2020 (and why wouldn’t you? It’s free, although you’re welcome to donate to cover virtual expenses for CON.TXT 2020 and scholarships for CON.TXT 2021 via Paypal), please do!

Posted in Uncategorized.