CON.TXT 2020 Vid Show: Submit What You’d Like to See and Make

CON.TXT 2020 Vid Show: Submit What You'd Like to See and Make

Hi everyone! Your friendly vidshow committee - alpheratz, cinco, and corbae - is looking for suggestions for CON.TXT's 2020 vidshow! Tell us about the vids you love in new and old fandoms, and definitely tell us if you're thinking about submitting a premiere to the show! As you know, CON.TXT 2020 will be held online on July 25. The virtual con will include a streaming vid show.


To nominate a vid for inclusion in the show, head on over to our submissions form. Please don't be shy: self-nominate as much as you like!

To give us time to curate and assemble the final show, the deadline for vid suggestions is July 5, 2020.

If you're thinking of submitting a premiere, please fill out the premiere interest form. Preliminary drafts of premieres are due July 5th. Final drafts are due July 11th.


If you are submitting your own vid, please upload it to Youtube or Vimeo without password protection in place. If possible, please also upload subtitles.


If we’ve left anything out, or if you’d like to know more about the con or the vid show, please ask! You can reach us at: or comment on this post.

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